Dances With Dirt HELL - September 21, 2024

The Dirt Quarters will once again be at The Woodlands, a private camp where we can camp out for the weekend, sit around a fire and howl at the moon!

20120 Bartell Rd. Gregory, MI 48137

Thank you for havin' a hankering to join the Dirt Crew in H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!

Just a couple of boring but important things and then you can start browsing!

  • Dirt Crew Critter must be 18 or older unless permission has been given by the Race Director.
  • If you are available to work more than one shift, our Dirt Hats are off to you! But please make sure not to select shifts that overlap.
  • If you are running a race or plan on doing a scheduled activity, please do not select a shift that conflicts with your other commitments.
  • Please plan on arriving 30 minutes before your shift start time, unless otherwise instructed by email! thanks!
  • We will do our best to get you heading out at the stated time for the end of your shift...but sometimes you may have to stay a few minutes late. Thanks for your consideration!

Set Up: Help us construct the gates (and tents and finish line and and and...) of HELL!

Course Markers: The most important behind the scene job there is! If we didn't have you, the runners would be lost in the woods! Wait...that sounds fun...This job does require some pre race-day training with the Wild Dog, but don't worry, he is a great teacher!

Registration: Get those runners their STUFF!

Parking Rat: Pretty much what the name get to tell people where to go...Like fitting 20 pounds of potatoes in a 10lb bag.

Ultra Aid Station Help: Cheer the runners on, feed/water them, direct them...a fun and rewarding job!

Exchange: Keep teams organized and headed in the right direction at exchange points.

Finish Line: Keep everything (medals, awards, water, food) organized & flowing at the finish line.

Food & Beer Tent: Dish out the food and brew!

Tear Down: Once the excitement is settling, take everything down and pack it up!

Road Crossing: A good chance to earn volunteer credit and read a book or chat with your friend! Bring a friend! This is a very important job, helping the runners to get across the road safely!

Unmarking: The best job! Help take down ribbon and flags, get a run/walk in.

Crew Helper: This will be a fun, fast paced could be cutting up bananas one minute, hauling drop bags the next, picking up lunch, crunching data, counting shirts, packing, unpacking, repacking, or assisting with registration or the finish line, or be out on the course, the next! By the end, you'll feel like you've known us your whole life......

Dirt Crew Critter Contact Information

Dirt Crew Critter Job Selection

Course Marking & Set Up Days

Saturday - Race Day!

You are welcome to volunteer to work for more than one fact we'd love it if you did! Just make sure you don't sign up for shifts that overlap...unless you know how to be two places at once :)

OH! And one more thing! Please plan to check in at least 20 minutes before your shift! Thanks!

Sunday Jobs


We are excited about our new start/finish! It comes with unlimited land to camp out on! If you singed up for a Saturday shift and are interested in a spot to pitch your tent for Friday night please check below! 

Critter must be 18 or older unless permission has been given by the Race Director.

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