How can YOU be a part of the DIRT?
Set Up: Get the dirt quarters squared away prior to race day. A little organizing, a little aid station prep... maybe a little building!
Floater: Sometimes you'll see this tricky little word floating around... it just means we might need you to complete some odd jobs in addition to your assigned job!
Registration: Assist the runners in finding their gear bags and answer questions.
Parking: Put a LOT of cars into spots in some sort of organized fashion.
Aid Stations: Re-fuel, water, cheer and aid runners.
Finish Line & Awards: Keep everything organized and flowing at the finish line!
Tear Down: Once the excitement is settling, take everything down and pack it up!
Crew Helper: This will be a fun, fast paced job... you could be cutting up bananas, hauling drop bags, picking up lunch, crunching data... and who knows what else! By the end of the day you'll feel like you've been a part of the team your whole life.
Volunteers Receive:
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You are welcome to sign up for more than one shift. Please don't sign up for shifts that overlap!
Critter must be 18 or older unless permission has been given by the Race Director.