Trail - April 29, 2023

We are excited to host Michigan's oldest trail race! Thank you for coming to help out!

Volunteer Opportunities:

Parking/floater: Assist getting all of the vehicles parked and the runners out of the park safely! Then you will be reassigned as needed!

Packet host/floater: Assist runners getting their bibs, swag and other various tasks!

Finish Line: Keep everything moving through the finish line, pass out water, medals and awards!

Aid Stations: Re-fuel, water, cheer and aid runners! 

Volunteer Contact Information

Volunteer Job Selection

For many shifts you will need to check in as many as 30 minutes early! Plan to be available 30 minutes prior to your posted shift time. 

Please plan on staying until the end of your assigned shift!

Please note, a MI DNR Recreation Passport is required on vehicles entering the park. 

Saturday, April 29

Volunteers must be 18 or older unless permission has been given by the Race Director.

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